WAHALA!! Caramel Plugg’s Ex-Bestie Drags Her Over Alleged $1600 Debt

August 12th, 2024

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A feud has erupted between popular influencer Caramel Plugg and her former best friend, @classicbijou, on social media. @classicbijou took to TikTok to expose Caramel Plugg, sharing receipts and alleging that she owes $1600 in unpaid debt.


According to @classicbijou, Caramel Plugg had claimed to own a house in Canada, but in reality, she was accommodated by @classicbijou during her 3-day visit to the country.

@classicbijou claimed to have paid $1600 for Caramel Plugg’s accommodation, but towards the end of her stay, Caramel Plugg allegedly tried to avoid paying the debt by picking a fight.

@classicbijou’s revelations have sparked a heated online debate, with many fans weighing in on the dispute.”

She said:

“Doing my skincare routine because life did not end when I paid $1600 to accommodate Caramel Plug in Toronto CA for 3 davs (she doesn’t have a house in Canada) but she ended up me on the last day of her stay so she won’t pay me”

“Some of una baddie no fit una at all cost why yhemolee go call you say manny say make you comot him van cleef wey you dey wear before you f..k another man for Canada because he sure say you no get that kind money to sponsor yourself (me and my talking stage were the one sponsoring her) ehn fine girl???”

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Gaius Otutu is the owner of GistsNaija, which was launched in 2012.

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