Awareness Sponsored Post

Do you have a Business, Products or Services that you want Millions of Nigerians to know about?

Then, you should get a Post published on Naijaloaded today so that Millions of Nigerians who use Naijaloaded can get to read about your Business and know the Products you have for sale or the Services you can render to them.

In fact, if anyone goes on Google to search for businesses like yours, or looking for what you sell online - your Naijaloaded post will show up on Google search and Nigerians can easily contact you and will end up buying from you 😀

They will take your business more seriously because having your Business details on Naijaloaded is big deal and people will be more comfortable patronizing and working with you.

We have worked with an uncountable number of Businesses to grow their income from an average level to a higher level as we exposed them to the general public and potential customers who have gladly patronized them.

We are a respected brand in the Nigerian ecosystem and Millions of Nigerians respect Naijaloaded. If we publish an Article about your Business or Products on Naijaloaded today, the result will shock you!

If I pay for this Awareness Sponsored Post today, what will I get?

You will get

- Your post will be published on Naijaloaded website

- Your Post/Link will be shared on our Twitter page

- Your Post/Link will be shared on our Telegram Channel to over 80k Subscribers

The Awareness Sponsored Post is ideal for those who want Nigerians to know about their Event/Product or Services.

Your Article/Post can contain information about your Business or Products. Photos, Video, Your Contact details and other information you might want the general public to see or know.

NOTE:- If you want a Sponsored post that offers more, then you should go for our MARKETING SPONSORED POST.

Photo sample of an Awareness post we did for one of our Clients (Infinix) 👇



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